createArray(); /*echo "
				echo "
";*/ //Counting size of array $cnt = sizeof($arrayData['response']['results']['0']['result']); //Array list $comarray = $arrayData['response']['results']['0']['result']; /*echo "
				echo "
";*/ $totalrecords=$arrayData['response']['totalresults'];//totalresults tag shown by xml file ?> <?php echo $ini_array['pageTitle'];?>
what where
e.g. job title, keywords or company   e.g. city, state or zip  
  jobs  ".stripslashes($ls);}?>  
0) { $st=$s - 3; $en=$s + 3; if(ceil($totalrecords/10)<$en){ $en=ceil($totalrecords/10);} } else { $st=1; $en=9; if(ceil($totalrecords/10)<$en){ $en=ceil($totalrecords/10);} } ?>
< Previous ";} if($s == $j){ echo " ".$j."  "; }else{ ?> "; if($j==$en){ echo "  Next >";}else echo "  "; } } ?>
".$j."  "; }else{ ?> "; if($j==$en){ echo "   Next >";}else echo "  "; } } ?>
- of results

0 ) { $count = 0; if ( $totalrecords ) { $to=9; if($_GET['start']+10>$totalrecords){ $to=($totalrecords%10)-1;} for($i=0;$i<=$to;$i++) { if(array_key_exists('jobtitle', $comarray[$i])) { $jobtitle = $comarray[$i]['jobtitle']; } if(array_key_exists('company', $comarray[$i])) { $company = $comarray[$i]['company']; } if(array_key_exists('city', $comarray[$i])) { $city = $comarray[$i]['city']; } if(array_key_exists('state', $comarray[$i])) { $state = $comarray[$i]['state']; } if(array_key_exists('country', $comarray[$i])) { $country = $comarray[$i]['country']; } if(array_key_exists('source', $comarray[$i])) { $source = $comarray[$i]['source']; } if(array_key_exists('date', $comarray[$i])) { $date = $comarray[$i]['date']; } if(array_key_exists('snippet', $comarray[$i])) { $snippet = $comarray[$i]['snippet']; } if(array_key_exists('url', $comarray[$i])) { $url = $comarray[$i]['url']; } if(array_key_exists('latitude', $comarray[$i])) { $latitude = $comarray[$i]['latitude']; } if(array_key_exists('longitude', $comarray[$i])) { $longitude = $comarray[$i]['longitude']; } ?>

$company -";}?>
From  - 

No records found."; } ?>
0) { $st=$s - 3; $en=$s + 3; if(ceil($totalrecords/10)<$en){ $en=ceil($totalrecords/10);} } else { $st=1; $en=9; if(ceil($totalrecords/10)<$en){ $en=ceil($totalrecords/10);} } ?>
< Previous ";} if($s == $j){ echo " ".$j."   "; }else{ ?> "; if($j==$en){ echo "  Next >";}else echo "   "; } } ?>
".$j."   "; }else{ ?> "; if($j==$en){ echo "  Next >";}else echo "   "; } } ?>

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